Company set up
To answer all yours questions about business start-up, the CVCI provides a business start-up consulting service.
Our specialists are at your disposal by appointment or by telephone
- on Mondays from 2 pm to 5 pm
- on Wednesdays from 8:30 am to midday
- on Fridays from 8:30 am to midday.
Business start-up consulting
- You want to set up your own business and you don’t know where to start…
- Which legal form should you choose?
- What steps should you take to be independent?
- What are your obligations in terms of social insurance and work permits?
- Is it strictly necessary to register with the commercial register?
We provide free accompaniment lasting approximately 30 minutes to answer your key questions with regard to starting up a business.
The business start-up consulting service is a starting point for budding entrepreneurs whatever their project and background.
The aim of the CVCI is also to help these future entrepreneurs by putting them in contact with the right partners with a view to materialising their project. This new service therefore perfectly complements the existing consulting and coaching services within the canton of Vaud (in particular Genilem and Innovaud).

Zuzanna Adamczewska-Bolle
Responsable de projets et Création d'entreprise
Guide for entrepreneurs
Guide for entrepreneurs
Keen to help start-up entrepreneurs with a view to maximising their chances of success, the Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV) and the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CVCI) have joined forces to create a guide containing practical information which is useful to start-up entrepreneurs in order to accompany them in the different formalities to be completed.
Thanks to this guide, entrepreneurs wishing to set up their own business obtain clear information and advice from a single source concerning the possibilities open to them and the path they should follow.
They must be able to evaluate the feasibility of a project, fine-tune it, develop a strategy and plan the administrative formalities.
- to analyse the potential and feasibility of your project
- to advertise and sell your products or services
- to choose a legal form and be aware of your social insurance obligations
- to determine the funding necessary and present your project to your bank and, during the last session,
- to discuss your project in detail with the four trainers.
“Create your own business” training
If you wish to become self-employed but you have no specific business management training, the BCV training cycle – organised in partnership with the CVCI and with the participation of GENILEM and SAWI – helps you to implement your project in the best possible conditions.
It consists of 5 teaching modules (in French) with the following key objectives :
Usefull links
Usefull links
- GENILEM Coaching and assistance when setting up business, specific training courses (only in French)
- IFJ Startup support
- VENTURELAB National portal for entrepreneurship and business start-up
- EASYGOV The online desk for companies
- Confederation policy in favour of SMEs (in French, Italian or German)
- CODEV Coordination of economic development in the canton of Vaud (only in French)
- CVCI Information from the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry concerning the transfer of companies (only in French)
- RESR Coaching from other entrepreneurs (only in French)
- Commercial register (only in French)
- Cantonal trade police (only in French)
- Lausanne trade police (only in French)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants and Tax Consultants
- Swiss Association of Trustees, Vaud section (only in French)
- OAV Vaud Bar Association (only in French)
- ANV Vaud Association of Notaries (only in French)
- BCV Banque Cantonale Vaudoise SME banking packs
- IPI Information platform of the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
- ACI Information from the Cantonal Tax Administration (only in French)
- Information on tax relief
- AFC Information from the Federal Tax Administration (direct tax, VAT, withholding tax, etc.)
- Swiss crowdfunding Association Overview of all crowdfunding platforms in Switzerland
- bee Invested Equity crowdfunding platform for startups and SME
- Investiere Equity crowdfunding platform for startups
- Go Beyond Platform for business angels and startups
- Crowdlending platform for startups and SME
- cashare Crowdlending platform for individuals, SME and investors
- kickstarter Crowdfunding platform for creative projects
- Caisses sociales CVCI The social funds of the CVCI
- OFAS Information on social insurances in Switzerland asnd SME guide
- List of social insurances (only in French)
- INNOVAUD Gateway to innovation in the canton of Vaud
- INNOSUISSE Swiss innovation agency
- ALLIANCE Industrial liaison programme between companies and the research institutes of western Switzerland
- PLATINN Western Switzerland innovation platform (only in French)
- CVI Vaud Real Estate Chamber (only in French)
- CODEV Information on the premises available to companies from the regional associations (only in French)
- Employeurs Work authorisations, announcing a vacant position, recruiting an unemployed person (only in French)
- Mesures de réinsertion professionnelle Support for unemployed who start an independant activity (only in French)
- ODM Federal Office for Migration